The original plan did not have me running today – taking a day off to prepare fully for the Stamford 30k tomorrow. However because my mileage has been so restricted for the past week or so I decided to put in an easy 6 this morning.
The brutal overnight storm meant a fitful night’s sleep so I wasn’t feeling particularly fresh for the run; once I was out however it wasn’t long before the body and mind woke up. Conditions were a bit tricky for clothing, it was approaching 10C but the still gale force wind meant that when it was in your face it felt much colder. In the end I went near full thermal, and this turned out to be a good decision.
The run was thankfully undramatic in terms of not suffering from any pains in the right leg. There was a moment when a small yappy dog free from any control from its owner busy chatting away on her mobile, came rather too close for comfort to the backs of my legs. We had a standoff and it was some while before the owner came to claim ownership of her mutt. There was a little bit of groin pain as I had to twist a bit awkwardly to avoid the canine, thankfully I think no damage was done.
So it’s Stamford tomorrow. This race last year I suffered badly from sciatica in the race – I hope it doesn’t come to bite me again tomorrow. Something in the back of my mind thinks it might….