Thursday’s effort was one of the odder runs. I had a really painful massage in the morning. Loads of things wrong with the left leg, all emanating around the hip. Not totally sure that I came out of the torture room any better off than when I entered it. Hopefully everything is really inflamed and will settle in a couple of days; as it is my body feels battered.
I left at around six for my familiar pre-run before heading to the club. The left leg ached for a bit but wasn’t actually too bad. At times on the 3.5 miles there was no pain at all on the run. The weather was miserable though and near the end of the run I definitely had a couple of dizzy spells that left me a little disorientated.
There is a plethora of bugs and illnesses flying around the household at the moment. I am currently the only one who hasn’t gone down full blown sick (Although I am still not 100% from the cold I picked up a couple of weeks ago) and I think the body is just doing all it can to fight the infections. I pfaffed around a bit at home until it was just about too late to make it to the club in time. I left and ran a few yards, but a bit of pain in the left hip stopped me and I returned home to call it a day.
The next morning and after packing the kids up ready to be taken to school, I changed and got myself out to kind of complete the run I didn’t quite manage the day before. The sunshine brought a better mental attitude and although there was plenty of discomfort in the left leg – the thigh in particular, I was determined to not let it stop me. Health wise, I am feeling around 70%; there is definitely something in the system but not enough to yet stop me.
The leg grumbled to around five miles when I prodded the bit around the Piraformis a bit and a lot of the discomfort disappeared. If I could just have a permanent elbow in the backside I’m sure I’d be running just fine. I brought the run to an end at eight miles, not wanting to overdo it before Sunday’s half marathon, but at the same time not totally sure whether I will race on Sunday – the left leg is that bothersome. Tomorrow will hopefully be better…