Day Five – Round & Round In Circles

The first mile or so of this run was a tortuous affair. The legs were stiff, hips sore, still full of cold, treacherous underfoot with plenty of ice after the rain the evening before. After three or so miles I’d settled into a slow but steady rhythm.

I thought I could get an extra couple of miles or so so in, so I proceeded to run multiple laps of Dysart Park, which soon became a little tedious as it is only around 400 meters long. After a couple of miles of going round and round in circles, I headed back home, thankfully with much of the I’ve now melted. The run done, miles logged, onto rest before hopefully plenty of miles over the weekend.

Miles: 8.01. Time: 1:01:28. Pace: 07:40.

Day Four – Xmas Lights Run

Now becoming a running club tradition up and down the land, a tour of Grantham taking in the best/worst in Xmas lights displays in an 8 mile or so loop. The hands down winner had to be the astonishing display on Belton Lane – complete with taped Christmas Carols and just about every conceivable light and ornament imaginable.

As for the run itself – 4.3 miles before meeting up with the club – made plenty harder by the unwelcome addition of some icy cold rain and a bitter wind, which left me sodden and chilled to the bone. I spent much of the next 4 miles trying desperately to warm my hands, which led me to resort to putting them down my tights. This proved pleasingly successful.

Not a particularly quick run but surprisingly tiring, and a couple of ankle twists en route which left me hobbling a touch in the evening. Still a pleasant run nonetheless.

Distance: 14.68 mile. Time: 2:01:31. Pace: 8:17.