Another long day behind the computers following the F1 test in Jerez meant I knew that it would be pretty late before I would be able to get out for my run. As I briefly went outside at around 7pm to test the right hamstring (which tightened up at the end of yesterday’s run) I briefly winced at the iciness of the wind and recalled the days not so long ago when I would be able to run the very pleasant Spanish circuit at the end of the day, basking in T-Shirt and shorts weather in late January. A far cry from this evening, where apart from not reaching out for the extra thermal tights (Still unused this winter) I was full thermal spec.
I’d been a little concerned by the hamstring all day. Thankfully it showed no discomfort from the off and indeed the only discomfort was the on going abductor / right groin tightness. In getting ready to run I must have been lost in my thoughts for around 1km into the run I realised I wasn’t running any hi-vis clothing at all. This was ironic (in the Morrissette sense) as I’d just signed off my 111/2 hour stint on the computer with a Facebook comment on a lively thread discussing the merits of such attire. Being in the you’re better of being seen than being dead camp I had little choice but to loop round back to home and pick up a bright yellow reflective bib, which maybe about as useful as paper armour in protecting me against a 12 tonne truck but gives me at least the comfort I did everything possible to be visible.
Of course to the H&S purists I threw away all the good work of being visible by wearing earphones and listening to music and listening to it in the dark! I tend to find the inspirational side of music more beneficial when I just want to knock out some easy miles rather than trying to bust a gut during a tempo session, and so it proved this evening when the beloved Sansa Clip set, as always, on Random Play, knocked out a succession of cracking tunes, kicking off with what may be my new favourite running track:
Ok I realise that restrictions mean you cannot play it in here, but the sentiment was there. You can click and enjoy on YouTube, and work out why it was that before I knew it 7:30 miles had become 6:52 miles and not long after 8 miles had been covered and I was back home. Job done. Mission accomplished. Think about the next run.