On Monday after picking my daughter up from school we went firstly to the library and then on to Sports Direct when I was delighted to see they had a hockey ball on sale for £2.49. My Trigger Therapy ball has long ago become misshapen and a little too soft to be of any real use. My hip, groin, and piraformis was crying out for something a little harder and a hockey ball is certainly that.
I played with it a little during my another day off from exercise yesterday, but used it in real anger this morning, working for a long time on the hip and the piraformis, then finding I could release a lot of tightness in the hamstring by rolling on it whilst sitting on a chair, and could do likewise with the groin. After an hour or so of work I could stretch the hamstring without tightness and I decided to test the leg with a short run – no more than twenty minutes.
Considering it was painful to even walk on Sunday by the end of the run, I wasn’t expecting much, but happily there was little in the way of discomfort, running freely and without restriction. There was though in the final half mile a familiar feeling in the lower inner thigh, no pain but touching the area at the end of the run suggested something is still pulling on a tendon or muscle. Still considering where I was at on Sunday there is a sign of hope.
I had planned on doing another three miles or so in the evening but the mother of all storms is hitting the country and, frankly, I’d rather not risk killing myself for some miles that I may well be better off not doing.